How can I put this delicately? Life with a toddler can get, well, kind of bland sometimes.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Jazz apples and Cara Cara oranges
Posted by
5:53 PM
Labels: Food, Motherhood
Saturday, February 23, 2008
The truth about motherhood
Hello from San Diego. I'm here visiting my sister, who just had a baby -- her second, an adorable, healthy, and totally mellow baby boy. And it's the mellow part I want to talk about today: Of course, I'm thrilled that my sister has been blessed with an easy baby, but part of me is envious, too.
Posted by
2:11 PM
Labels: Motherhood
Monday, February 18, 2008
Interview with "The Opposite of Love" author Julie Buxbaum
Today, I'm speaking to Julie Buxbaum, the fabulous new author of the recently released book "The Opposite of Love." Julie is 30 (like moi, whose birthday is today, in fact!), a first time author who is seeing a lot of success and acclaim for her first work of fiction, and as you'll see, below, an inspiration to people who are thinking about making a big life change in the name of happiness and fulfillment. Here's my conversation with Julie:
Posted by
4:14 PM
Labels: Interviews, Writing
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Baby's first trip to Pike Place Market
The sun was out today (if you have survived a Seattle winter, you know how exciting this is), so I chucked my normal routine, begged forgiveness from my editors, and played hookie with Carson. We went to Pike Place Market.
Posted by
1:57 PM
Labels: Food, Motherhood
A flower primer for men
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9:50 AM
Labels: Tips
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Fear of drug stores during flu season
Disclaimer: I give you full permission to shake your head at me after reading this post. Heck, I'm even shaking my head at me. But I must fess up and share: I absolutely, positively, detest going to the drug store during cold and flu season -- so much so, in fact, that I pull a Bill Murray a la "What About Bob" (you know, when he opens all the door handles with a paper towel?).
Posted by
11:13 PM
Labels: Motherhood
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Mineral makeup hazards?
I love my new mineral makeup. It feels nice knowing that I'm not dousing my skin in chemicals and preservatives every morning. But today I got to thinking: With all the dust flying around (or rather, minerals), is breathing in all those particles during the application process harmful to my health? If you've tried this type of makeup, you know it's a tad messy.
Posted by
10:40 PM
Labels: curious, Green living
Friday, February 08, 2008
Cake on the brain
I have a confession to make: I've been thinking about cake -- a lot. Lemon, chiffon, white chocolate, fondant, all kinds, really. I'll be interviewing someone for a story, and there goes the brain: to cake. Here's an example:
Interview subject: "Bla, bla, bla ..."
Me: Hmm, I wonder if I can cut this interview short and bake a chocolate cake before Carson wakes up from his nap? Or maybe I should drive over to my favorite bakery later (Simply Desserts)?"
Interview subject: "Bla, bla, bla -- bla!"
Me: Did he just say CAKE?
Here's the weird thing: Ask anyone who knows me -- this craving is completely out of character. In fact, my mom had to make pies for my birthday parties as a child because I hated cake. (Yep, she decorated them with birthday candles and all!)
I've learned, through researching a new story I'm writing for Health magazine (keep an eye out this spring!), that food cravings can be as powerful as drug cravings. Whoa!
What are you craving?
Posted by
10:30 PM
Labels: Food
Thursday, February 07, 2008
The family plate
You've heard of the "family bed," right -- you know, when the kids sleep with the parents? While Carson is (thank you Lord) content in his own crib, I think we've got an issue going on with the dinner plate. Let me explain.
Recently, we realized that the baby food days were nearing an end when Carson, our 1 year old, started pointing to my plate and screaming as if to say "hey, give me some of the good stuff!"
Things were going well for a while: We started feeding him more real food, just chopped up and pureed a bit. But as babies tend to do, he figured things out. Carson soon realized that he wanted the food that was on our plates, not in his bowl. (Um, he also seems to want what's in my wine glass, but as they say, Pinot Noir is not for sippy cups.) So, now we (me and baby) eat from the same plate.
But tonight, Carson threw another curve ball: He started pointing wildly at Jason's plate across the table. He wanted what daddy was having -- and he wanted it NOW!
I had to laugh when Jason suggested that Carson would be much happier if we all ate off the same plate, or maybe chowed down together at a communal feeding trough. Quite an image, isn't it?
I guess no one said parenthood was dainty.
Posted by
7:30 PM
Labels: Food, Motherhood
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
What will they think of next?
Posted by
10:08 AM
Labels: Green living
Sunday, February 03, 2008
How do you store bread?
Posted by
8:15 PM
Labels: Food
Friday, February 01, 2008
Trans fat alert
You're up on the health dangers of trans fats, as we all are now, so when you go to the grocery store, you know to steer clear of products that contain that scary stuff. You give yourself bonus points, even, for spotting products labeled "trans fat free."
But maybe, like me, you didn't know that, by law, a product can still contain trans fat even if it says it doesn't. Yep. I learned by trial and error:
I normally shop at green markets, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe's stores, so trans fat is usually not an issue (these stores do not carry products that contain TFs). But, the other day I was busy and was trying to combine my shopping in one area of the city -- so I went to a different store.
I needed tortillas, preferably organic. No luck there. So, I decided it wouldn't kill me to buy non-organic tortillas, as long as I could find a pack that was free of TFs. With no time to read a long ingredient label with a fussy boy in my arms, I grabbed a pack of "Mission" tortilla's labeled "0 grams trans fat."
Then, a few hours later, at home, I read the ingredient label. I was horrified to find the words "partially hydrogenated" right there in black ink (see below for proof) -- on my tortillas. Friends, as you know if ya see "partially hydrogenated" it's code for TRANS FATS.Nina Planck has a great article about this very topic in the February issue of Bon Appetit. In short, if a food product contains less than .5 grams of trans fat per serving, the manufacturer isn't required to declare it. And not only that, but they can call it "trans fat free."
Can you believe that?
So, say you have three quesadillas. You'll eat about 1.5 grams of trans fat, which is about a teaspoon and a half of trans goodness (fat that researchers say goes straight to the belly, I might add).
Appetizing, eh?
Morals of the story:
*Read ingredient labels, even if the baby is fussy.
*Maybe drive across town to a store that sells quality products.
*Beware of claims on food products.
*Make your own tortillas (they're really good).
Posted by
10:47 PM
Labels: Food
Things I thought I'd NEVER do
Funny how being a mom makes you change in ways you never thought possible. Here is my list:
*Minivans: Nope, I don't drive one. Love my Volvo. But I have to admit, the thought has crossed my mind. Dear Lord, help me.
*Ground coffee: I used to be a whole-bean purist, but that darn coffee grinder wakes up the baby.
*Yoga pants and Uggs: My uniform.
*Buying your kid the thing he's screaming for (and won't let go of) at the store: Yep, I'm that mom.
*Using your clothing as Kleenex: I probably don't need to elaborate.
*Elmo: I never could relate, but now, oh I TOTALLY GET IT. Mornings without Elmo, well, they're just not good. (Still, though, I do have some standards: We're a Barney-free household.)
What's on your list?
Posted by
3:19 PM
Labels: Motherhood